Active Shooter and Situational Awareness training by The Preparedness Network and the LASD

Specially designed training an active shooter and situational awareness to help you survive and thrive an incident. This training could literally save your life and the ones you love.
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About This Product:

We begin by emphasizing that this comprehensive training program contains dramatized scenes of violence, making it important for those who are genuinely interested and prepared to engage in such content.

Our program commences with a personalized training overview from the esteemed active shooter team at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. This insightful briefing sets the foundation for the subsequent training videos, which hold immense value for you and your staff. 

The following video, presented by a retired sheriff's officer, delves deep into active shooter survival techniques. It equips you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to navigate such harrowing situations effectively. Additionally, you will gain insights from Nikki Adair, who will shed light on the vital topic of situational awareness. This knowledge empowers you to recognize and prevent acts of violence before they occur, safeguarding the lives of those you cherish and your organization as a whole.

By selecting our program, you proactively contribute to the creation of a safer work environment. This, in turn, nurtures a more content and productive workforce, ultimately reducing stress levels. It's worth noting that implementing this training program may also yield benefits in terms of potential insurance rate reductions for your business. Additionally, it has the potential to mitigate claims made against your organization due to the existence of a well-designed training initiative.

We would like to stress that while some insurance providers may offer discounts for companies that prioritize active shooter training, it is not guaranteed across the board. The extent to which this training may influence settlements in the event of an incident relies on various factors, including legal representation and court proceedings.

We acknowledge that individual backgrounds, education, experience, and work ethics vary significantly. As a result, there can be no assured guarantee of success. It is important to recognize that results may differ based on each unique circumstance.

Program Details

LASD Training
Available Now
Active shooter in depth training
Available Now
Nikkis situational awareness training
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Technology for Situational Awareness
Available Now

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Jeffrey Weiss

I am a speaker, coach, and author with 30 years of experience speaking. I am a broadcast engineer and have decades of experience volunteering with organizations like the American Red Cross in executive leadership.
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I am Jeffrey Weiss; how can I make your day perfect?  I am a speaker, coach, and author with over three decades of experience speaking at conferences, podcasts, and masterminds. I have certified training from John Maxwell, Dale Carnegie, and Tony Robbins. I went to UCLA and have certifications from educational institutions like Pepperdine and MIT. I am certified with ToastMasters, National Speakers Association, and other speaking platforms.  I have over 30+ years of experience in the broadcast engineering industry, building over 250 TV stations and hundreds of production post-production facilities worldwide.  Additionally, I maintain decades of experience volunteering with organizations like the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and the Jewish Big Brothers and Sisters in executive leadership positions. 
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